Friday, June 2, 2017

Fire Department and Arsenale

Day 20
Oliver Brown

For our final tours, we visited the local Venetian fire department and the Arsenale. Our tour guide was in the specialist climbing group, so if a building needed to be scaled at an emergency he would be called. They have multiple fire boats, equipped with pumps and fire hoses. We were shown all of the gear, which is the same in all countries in the European Union. Most of their calls are not for fires, as the buildings here are made out of brick and stone and fires don't catch or spread well. While responding to a call, they drive about 7 knots. 

This afternoon we toured the Arsenale, the old Venetian shipyard. Currently it is a military base where cadets are trained. They still produce a few small boats a year to convince the government that they should not be shut down. During the hight of the Venetian boat building frenzy, the Arsenale was finishing a boat a day.

A display of various knots at the fire station

 Fire response boat

docking bay for fireboats off canal

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Today was a special day as we as a class got to take a tour of the Vigili del Fouco, which is the Fire Brigade in Italy, department in Ven...