Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cooking my way through Venice: Part 2

A little late, but on Monday we went on a long, guided tour through the more touristy parts of Venice. That included a walkthrough of La Basilica di San Marco; we weren't allowed to take pictures inside, which was for the best as documenting all of the beautiful works of art in that church would have taken days. After finishing the hours-long tour near the Rialto bridge, we walked back to our apartments for some much needed rest.

When our growling stomachs roused us from our relaxation, I decided to cook the salmon I had purchased at the Rialto fish market. Alex helped me find a good recipe for an Italian lemon pepper salmon and pasta dish. As it was my first time preparing the dish, especially with such a large about of fish, it wasn't my best though I look forward to trying it again in the future. The general consensus was that I needed to make my fish tacos again!

All of the salmon and first batch of the pasta.

There wasn't enough pasta for the six of us to start with, so I switched types. All of that salmon was also decimated.

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