Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Finally arrived! 5/14/2017

Our day started on a plane landing in Paris. For a lot of habit was our first time in France, or abroad at all. We had planned to take a taxi into the city during our layover, but didn't have time thanks to our first flight being delayed for 2 hours. After going through a very short customs process, we fulfilled our first priorty: food!

Surprisingly, the restaurants weren't very easy to find, but we were not to be detered. Turns out there is a little food court. Go figure! Once our stomachs were full, all that was left to do was wait for our next flight. I happened to get a window seat perfectly situated to get my first view of the Eiffel Tower as the plane took a leisurely turn around the city to head off to our final destination.

Once we landed, met up with our guide, and took taxis into the city itself we had our first exposure to stepped bridges that cross the canals Venice is so well known for. Luckily we had all been smart enough to pack light in bags that can easily be carried. That night we ate together; apparently 7:30pm is an early time for dinner!

1 comment:

  1. What a cool picture! And the early dinner time is hilarious. Don't forget to balance late dinner hours with early class hours :)


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