Saturday, May 13, 2017

One last Taco Bell run....

My day started off with a 9 mile walk to obtain Taco Bell at 3 AM. Apparently you can't be served food if you are not in a car at that hour. Who knew? At lunch however, I was able to have a whole lobster, eyeballs and everything, as my last meal before leaving the country. At the airport it was pretty typical as everyone is trying to get through security and to their gate. The cheese and wine did ease the anxiety of leaving the country soon to no surprise. Once boarded, the plane decided to have some personal problems resulting in the departure being delayed. All in all, I'm not too shocked by what has happened today and am looking forward to finally being out of the country.

1 comment:

  1. Wine and cheese already - you're off to a great start for Italy! I can't wait to read about what you are learning and what you find impressive and interesting.


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