Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Venice You Don't See

Our second day in Venice started off with us attending a few lectures at the local college about the city's accessibility for people with disabilities. The seminar was titled "La Venezia Che Non Si Vede" which translates to "The Venice You Don't See". Luckily the lectures were in English so we could actually understand them. This was a two day talk series that was a part of the Venice Biennale, a famous art festival that occurs every two years. The most interesting and relatable topic that was brought up during the lectures was the difficulty that people in wheelchairs have when moving around the city. It was easy to see how difficult this would be after yesterday's scavenger hunt. The amount of bridges in this city is astounding and all of them have stairs. It was very interesting to see other people's take on how to adapt the city without changing its culture. It was also convenient te hear what the professionals had to say on this topic because it is closely related to some of what we will be studying for this Maymester.

1 comment:

  1. What are some of the ways we are similar and different in how we in the US and people in Italy view making accessibility accommodations? Do they use any methods that you don't see used much here?


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