Saturday, May 20, 2017

Field trip to ROME

Today was spent in Rome, the morning was started with a tour of the Colesseum. The tour guide did not speak much English was relatively boring so the five of us(Kevin, Roy, Oliver, Jessey and Myself) left the tour early to walk around by ourselves. When we left we were joined by a Canadian named Rebecca who stayed with us for a majority of the day. After leaving the colesseum we went next door to the Roman forum where we explored the ruins and hid from the thunderstorm for an hour before deciding to just walk through the rain and get soaked. Next we walked to the Vatican while sightseeing along the way. A quick purchase later and we continued to the Vatican. While it was too late and the lines were too long for us to get in, the outside was still incredible to view. Dinner at a local pizzeria and stumbling into a clown convention ended our day. It was a great day in which we saw most of Rome.

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